The Group

Our values


Faced with the devastating impact of smoking, Kumulus Vape is dedicated to offering a credible and effective alternative. Each year, tobacco is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide, generating an immense health and economic burden, while also causing severe environmental pollution. Cigarette butts, laden with toxic substances, contaminate soil and oceans at an alarming scale.

In this context, vaping represents one of the most significant public health innovations of the 21st century—an alternative that dramatically reduces the risks associated with smoking. We believe in a smoke-free world, where every smoker can access a safer, more responsible solution.

As a pioneer in the French market, Kumulus Vape has been driving this transformation for over a decade by providing rigorously selected, high-quality products for both consumers and professionals. With a rapidly growing network and an omnichannel approach, we are convinced that vaping is the future—and we work every day to make it an undeniable reality.

15 Years of Evolution

Our History

Création de Kumulus Vape à Paris, pionnier du marché français du vapotage, avec un premier site :
Company founded in Paris, pioneering the French vaping market with its first website:
Une communauté engagée se forme autour de la vape et de ses bienfaits. Kumulus Vape devient notre nom officiel.
An engaged community emerges around vaping and its benefits. Kumulus Vape becomes our official name.
Installation de la société dans la Métropole de Lyon, accélérant son développement et son implantation nationale.
The company relocates to the Lyon metropolitan area, accelerating its growth and national expansion.
Lancement de l’activité B2B avec la plateforme KMLS Pro. Kumulus Vape atteint 1,5 M€ de chiffre d’affaires annuel.
Launch of B2B operations with the KMLS Pro platform. Kumulus Vape reaches €1.5M in annual revenue.
Deux levées de fonds successives portent le chiffre d’affaires annuel à 6,5 M€, confirmant la dynamique de croissance.
Two successive fundraising rounds drive annual revenue to €6.5M, confirming strong growth momentum.
Déménagement à Corbas dans des locaux de 4 300 m². Première cotation sur Euronext Access.
Relocation to Corbas into a 4,300 m² facility. First listing on Euronext Access.
Lancement de Mexican Cartel, marque propre devenue emblématique du marché français.
Launch of Mexican Cartel, an in-house e-liquid and DIY consumables brand that has become a staple in the French market.
Cotation sur Euronext Growth et chiffre d’affaires annuel de 34,5 M€, marquant un tournant stratégique.
Listing on Euronext Growth and annual revenue reaching €34.5M, marking a strategic turning point.
Acquisition des franchises Cigaverte, Vaposhop et Ziklop, renforçant notre réseau physique.
Acquisition of the Cigaverte, Vaposhop, and Ziklop networks, strengthening our physical retail presence across France.
Objectif de 62 M€ de chiffre d’affaires, consolidant notre leadership et notre expansion.
Targeting €62M in revenue, reinforcing our leadership and expansion.
Organizational Chart

Our Leadership Team


CEO & Founder of Kumulus Vape, a self-made entrepreneur.


Chief Operating Officer, overseeing physical retail networks, former executive in major retail (Apple, Lidl).


Chief Operating Director, ensuring operational efficiency and business excellence.


Chief Financial Officer, with a multidisciplinary background in consulting and corporate finance; 9 years at Mazars before joining the Group.


Chief Communications Officer, former ministerial political advisor and member of the diplomatic network in Asia.

WOLFF Charlotte

Chief Sales Officer, former Sales Manager at Lips France Laboratories, specialist in the vaping market.


Chief Procurement Officer, former Business Unit Director at Dentsu Aegis Media.


Marketing Manager, overseeing digital commercial engagement.